Our Core Belief

Marketing to other agents working with customers and clients already seeking homes in the general area is the most efficient, fastest, and most cost-effective approach to reaching the broadest home-buying audience, ensuring the highest sales price the market will bear, in the shortest amount of time, for the least amount of marketing costs.

Sellers must maintain the "1st Amendment Right" to voluntarily offer and advertise compensation to Other Agents, if they believe it is in their best interest. They must be able to do so in a centralized advertising system that encourages Other Agents to market to buyers on their behalf.

Sellers Must Have the Right to "Hire All The Agents™".

Question: Why Did NAR Lose the last 3 class action lawsuits, and will continue to get sued and continue to lose?

Answer: An MLS owned or controlled by any Association of Competitors is by definition, anti-competitive and collusive.

Associations and MLSs violate Antitrust laws when their rules/codes are used to control access to the tools of the trade (MLS),
or if it restricts competitive business practices,

or if its members set prices.

Hire All the Agents™ with

Exceptional Service at an
Exceptional Price

Only $300 per year*

1/4th of the total cost of a NAR-affiliated MLS fees/dues.

Anti-Trust Concerns? > Not with RELS

  • We are NOT an association of competitors - No collusion possible

  • We are NOT affiliated with NAR - Therefore No NAR mandated Rules.

    • Buyers do NOT have to sign agreements prior to touring homes

    • Sellers CAN advertise Compensation to Other Agents on the RELS

  • We do NOT set or enforce industry rules/codes

  • If you are actively licensed you may subscribe and participate

By Separating Listings from NAR-Associations many things are possible

Board Membership

We do believe NAR, State, and local associations play a positive role in legislative pursuits and have been a net positive, however, we do not think membership should be tied to your listing system, or required for RELS participation.

We will not collect dues for NAR, we will not consult with NAR, or any local real estate association.

We have setup a framework for Sellers to Hire All The Agents, so that listing brokers will no longer have the threat of antitrust lawsuits hanging over their head.

Rules of the road.

We will only set rules around data integrity, advertising compliance and data usage. We have one single mission, to provide a place for listings to be seen by agents who have clients looking for homes.


Your company is less likely to be accused of collusion for advertising on our platform because we will not have a board of directors or rule committees made up of industry competitors.

We are strictly a data and advertising platform only.

We do not make or enforce industry rules, we allow anyone with a valid license to subscribe and use our system.

Broker Compensation

By not being part of NAR or a local board, RELS is under no obligation or mandate to regulate compensation, ethics, disputes or business activities.

We believe in CHOICE:

Sellers will be allowed to voluntarily advertise other-agent compensation on our platform.

Buyers will be allowed to voluntarily filter listings based on that compensation.


  1. Our Core Belief - Efficient Home Selling: Marketing to other agents working with customers and clients already seeking homes in the general area is the most efficient, fastest, and most cost-effective approach to reaching the broadest home-buying audience, ensuring the highest sales price the market will bear, in the shortest amount of time, for the least amount of marketing costs.

  2. NARs Settlement is not the Law! It's only a rule: There is no legal mandate to follow NARs rules. You cannot lose your license as It is not mandated by the State, it is only an agreement between NAR and the plaintiffs, it holds no legal standing unless you put your listings on a NAR MLS. So don't!

  3. Seller's Marketing Responsibility: It is the seller's responsibility to fund the marketing of their property, not the buyer's.

  4. Other Broker Compensation: When sellers voluntarily offer to pay other brokers, they are paying for marketing, facilitation, and transportation services, not for representation, representation is only a byproduct of the law.

  5. NAR's Fatal Flaw: The National Association of Realtors (NAR) is collusive and anti-competitive by definition. Its boards and rules committees are made up of the industry’s largest competitors, setting rules and controlling access to essential tools like the MLS. This fact will never change. We must separate listings from NAR.

  6. Restriction on Seller Advertising: NEW NAR Rule 58(ii): NAR has unjustly stripped sellers of the right to efficiently market directly to other agents causing harm to both buyers and sellers.

  7. Buyer Agreement Requirement: NEW NAR Rule 58(iv): NAR's new mandate for buyers to sign agreements before any services are provided is anti-competitive, collusive, and discriminatory.

  8. What No One is Talking About, But Should Be!

* $300 is based on estimated costs and subject to change. We will negotiate the best prices possible. The more agents who show interest the better the pricing will be.

Real Estate Listing System LLC

Austin, TX 78732
